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Home > Search > Bragin, A. M.

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Bragin, A. M. in items
in comments
Gramophone love of Maria Emskaya (in Russian) (Граммофонная любовь Марии Эмской) (bernikov)
Gramophone love of Maria Emskaya ... (bernikov)
Alexander Tikhonov


Reincarnations of David Finkelstein (in Russian) (Реинкарнации Давида Финкельштейна) (Tikhon)
Reincarnations of David ... (Tikhon)
Alexander Tikhonov


Alexander M. Bragin (Александр Михайлович Брагин) (Shaquille)
Alexander M. Bragin (Александр ... (Shaquille)
Portrait Gallery


Alexander M. Bragin (Александр Михайлович Брагин) (bernikov)
Alexander M. Bragin (Александр ... (bernikov)
Portrait Gallery


The Discopedia of Pre-1918 Polonics. Suplement. (Dyskopedia poloników do roku 1918. Suplement) (Дископедия полоников до 1918 года. Приложение.) (Miszol)
The Discopedia of Pre-1918 ... (Miszol)


Melodia 1, 1985 - On the hills of Manchuria (Мелодия 1 1985 - На сопках Маньчжурии) (Tkonst)
Melodia 1, 1985 - On the hills ... (Tkonst)


A. Tikhonov. Records of old Kiev (in Russian) (А. Тихонов. Пластинки старого Киева) (bernikov)
A. Tikhonov. Records of old Kiev ... (bernikov)


A. Tikhonov. Russian Joint Stock Company of Gramophone (RAOG) (А. Тихонов. Русское Акционерное Общество Граммофонов) (bernikov)
A. Tikhonov. Russian Joint Stock ... (bernikov)
RAOG=Russian Stockholders Company of Grammophone


The Chronicles of «V.I. Rebikoff and Co.» Label in Russia 1903 – 1906 (Летопись деятельности в России Граммофонного «Товарищества В.И.Ребиков и Кº» 1903 – 1906) (bernikov)
The Chronicles of «V.I. Rebikoff ... (bernikov)
Rebikoff and Co.


Catalog of phohograph records «EXTRAPHONE» Company (Каталог граммофонных пластинок акционерного общества «ЭКСТРАФОН») (bernikov)
Catalog of phohograph records ... (bernikov)


Metropol Records catalogue (Каталог пластинок Метрополь Рекорд) (sqwer)
Metropol Records catalogue ... (sqwer)


Reconstructed Br. Pathé catalog of Russian records (Реконструированный каталог русской записи Бр. Пате) (sqwer)
Reconstructed Br. Pathé ... (sqwer)
Pathé Record


Stella Record catalog (Каталог пластинок Стелла Рекорд) (sqwer)
Stella Record catalog (Каталог ... (sqwer)
Stella Record


«SYRENA-RECORD» Catalog (in Russian) (Каталог «СИРЕНА-РЕКОРД») (bernikov)
«SYRENA-RECORD» Catalog (in ... (bernikov)
Syrena Record


Janus-Record catalog (Каталог пластинок Янус Рекорд) (sqwer)
Janus-Record catalog (Каталог ... (sqwer)


Конверт Склад И. А. Зюзин С.-Петербург. ок.1911года (karp)
Конверт Склад И. А. Зюзин ... (karp)
Syrena Record


Конверт Склад И. А. Зюзин С.-Петербург. ок.1911года (karp)
Конверт Склад И. А. Зюзин ... (karp)
Syrena Record


Cat No
(Mx/Ctr No)
TakeTitle Name (Composer)Artist(s), AccompanimentRec Date
Rec Place
LabelOrder No
[xRef Nos]
russianbaritone with piano
Onegin’s aria - Should I decide on domesticity (Ария Онегина - Когда бы жизнь домашним кругом) (Opera «Eugene Onegin», act 1) (Pyotr Tchaikovsky, lyrics by Modest Tchaikovsky, Konstantin Shilovsky, based on: Alexander Pushkin: Novel in verse «Eugene Onegin»)
Alexander Bragin, acc. piano1905
Beka-Grand-Plastinka (blue)
russianbaritone with piano
The Prisoner (Узник), romance (Alexander Grechaninov, lyrics by Alexander Pushkin)
Alexander M. Bragin, acc. piano1905
Beka-Grand-Plastinka (blue)
russianbaritone with piano
In the silence of the secret nightмолчаньи ночи тайной), romance (Sergei Rakhmaninov, lyrics by Afanasy Fet)
Alexander M. Bragin, acc. piano1905
Beka-Grand-Plastinka (blue)
russianbaritone with piano
I’ve Wanted in a Single Word (Хотел бы в единое слово), romance (Pyotr Tchaikovsky, lyrics by Heinrich Heine, Lev Mey)
Alexander M. Bragin, acc. piano1905
Beka-Grand-Plastinka (blue)
russianbaritone with piano
The first Demon’s romance - Do not weep, child (Первый романс Демона - Не плачь, дитя) (Opera «The Demon», act 2) (Anton Rubinshtein, lyrics by Pavel Viskovatov(Viskovaty), based on: Mikhail Lermontov: Poem «The Demon»)
Alexander Bragin, acc. piano1905
Beka-Grand-Plastinka (blue)
russianbaritone with piano
Come to me (Приди ко мне), romance
Alexander M. Bragin, acc. piano1905
Beka-Grand-Plastinka (blue)
russianbaritone with piano
By a sharp pole axe (Острою секирою), romance (Alexander Gretchaninov, lyrics by Alexey Tolstoy)
Alexander M. Bragin, acc. piano1905
Beka-Grand-Plastinka (blue)
Excelsior Concert Record
Onegin’s aria - Should I decide on domesticity (Ария Онегина - Когда бы жизнь домашним кругом) (Opera «Eugene Onegin», act 1) (Pyotr Tchaikovsky, lyrics by Modest Tchaikovsky, Konstantin Shilovsky, based on: Alexander Pushkin: Novel in verse «Eugene Onegin»)
Alexander Bragin1904
Excelsior (black)
russian[ru]баритон с фортепиано
Fill a glass, there is no wine (Налей бокал, в нем нет вина), gypsy romance (L.Drizot, lyrics by V. Ovcharenko)
Alexander M. Bragin, acc. piano~1915
Extraphone (green)
Gramophone Co.
russian, frenchtrio with orchestra
What can I do for you, gentlemen? (Трио перед дуэлью -Что вам угодно?) (Que voulez-vous, Messieurs?) (Opera «Faust», act 4) (Charles François Gounod, lyrics by Jules Barbier, Michel Carre, translator Pyotr Kalashnikov, based on: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: The tragedy «Faust»)
Eugeny E. Witting, Alexander Bragin, Lev M. Sibiryakov, acc. orchestra23-09-1910
Monarch (Cupid)
russian, italianduet with orchestra
If you give me one hour (Если доставишь час отдохновенья) (Se tu mi doni un ora) (Opera «Mefistofele») (Arrigo Boito, based on: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: The tragedy «Faust»)
Eugeny E. Witting, Lev M. Sibiryakov, acc. orchestra23-09-1910
Monarch (Cupid)
russianduet with orchestra
Dite alla giovine, Part 1 (Дуэт Виолетты и Жермона - Светлому чистому, часть 1) (Opera «La Traviata», act 2) (Giuseppe Verdi, lyrics by Francesco Maria Piave, based on: Alexander Dumas (son): The romantic novel «The Lady of the Camellias»)
M.A.Mikhailova, A.M.Bragin, acc. orchestra27-09-1910
Amour GramophoneM 024047
russianduet with orchestra
Imponete, Part 2 (Дуэт Виолетты и Жермона - Что мне делать?, часть 2) (Opera «La Traviata», act 2) (Giuseppe Verdi, lyrics by Francesco Maria Piave, based on: Alexander Dumas (son): The romantic novel «The Lady of the Camellias»)
M.A.Mikhailova, A.M.Bragin, acc. orchestra04-10-1910
Amour GramophoneM 024047
russianduet with orchestra
Duet Angel-Demon - Love God’s world (Дуэт Демона и Ангела - Божий мир полюби) (Opera «The Demon», act 1) (Anton Rubinstein, lyrics by Pavel Viskovatov(Viskovaty), based on: Mikhail Lermontov: Poem «The Demon»)
Elizaveta Petrenko, Alexander Bragin, acc. orchestra11-10-1910
Monarch (Cupid)
russianbaritone with piano
Legend (The child Christ had a garden) Op 54 No 5 (Легенда о Христе (Был у Христа младенца сад) соч. 54 № 5), romance-song (Pyotr Tchaikovsky, lyrics by Alexey Plescheev)
Alexander M. Bragin, acc. piano1904
Concert (Angel)
Gramplasttrest and major plants
russian, frenchmezzo-soprano, chorus and orchestra
The song is about a knight (Песня о рыцаре) (Opera «Cola Breugnon») (Dmitri Kabalevsky, lyrics by B. Bragin by Romain Rolland)
Irena Leliva, acc. choir and orchestra of malegot, Conductor Boris. Khaykin1938Noginsk PlantЛ-1948
russianbaritone with orchetsra
Drinking Song (Застольная песня) (Opera «Colas Breugnon») (Dmitry Kabalevsky, lyrics by Vladimir Bragin)
Alexander Modestov, acc. MALEGOT (Leningrad Small Opera and Ballet Theatre) Orchestra, Conductor Boris Khaikin1938
Aprelevka PlantЛРК 1948
russianbaritone with orchetsra
Colas’s Aria (Ария Кола) (Opera «Colas Breugnon») (Dmitry Kabalevsky, lyrics by Vladimir Bragin)
Alexander Modestov, acc. MALEGOT (Leningrad Small Opera and Ballet Theatre) Orchestra, Conductor Boris Khaikin1938
Aprelevka PlantЛРК 1948
russianmezzo-soprano with orchestra
Aria of Selina (Ария Ласочки) (Opera «Colas Breugnon») (Dmitry Kabalevsky, lyrics by Vladimir Bragin)
Irena Leliva, acc. MALEGOT (Leningrad Small Opera and Ballet Theatre) Orchestra, Conductor Boris Khaikin1938
Aprelevka PlantЛРК 1948
Песня Гамби (Opera «Cola Breugnon») (Dmitri Kabalevsky, lyrics by B. Bragin by Romain Rolland)
Boris Geft, acc. MALEGOT (Leningrad Small Opera and Ballet Theatre) Orchestra, Conductor Boris Khaikin1938
Aprelevka PlantЛРК 1948
russianbaritone with orchestra
Prologue - Si può? (Пролог - Позвольте войти?) (Opera «Pagliacci») (Ruggero Leoncavallo)
Alexander M. Bragin, acc. orchestra12-06-1908
Омокордъ (cyrillic)
russianbaritone with orchestra
Torerolied (Тореадор, смелее) (Opera «Carmen», act 2) (Georges Bizet, lyrics by Henri Meilhac, Ludovic Halevy, based on: Prosper Merimee: Novelette «Carmen»)
Alexander M. Bragin, acc. orchestra12-06-1908
Омокордъ (cyrillic)
russianbaritone with piano
Epithalamium of Vindex - Glory to thee, god Hymen (Эпиталама Виндекса - Пою тебе, бог Гименея) (Opera «Nero», act 1) (Anton Rubinshtein, lyrics by Jules Barbier)
Alexander Bragin, acc. piano13-06-1908Омокордъ (cyrillic)
russianbaritone with orchestra
Onegin’s aria - Should I decide on domesticity (Ария Онегина - Когда бы жизнь домашним кругом) (Opera «Eugene Onegin», act 1) (Pyotr Tchaikovsky, lyrics by Modest Tchaikovsky, Konstantin Shilovsky, based on: Alexander Pushkin: Novel in verse «Eugene Onegin»)
Alexander Bragin, acc. orchestraОмокордъ (cyrillic)
russianbaritone with orchestra
Onegin’s aria - Really, is it the same, Tatiana... Alas, there is no doubt (Ария Онегина - Ужель та самая Татьяна...Увы, сомненья нет) (Opera «Eugene Onegin», act 3) (Pyotr Tchaikovsky, lyrics by Modest Tchaikovsky, Konstantin Shilovsky, based on: Alexander Pushkin: Novel in verse «Eugene Onegin»)
Alexander Bragin, acc. orchestraОмокордъ (cyrillic)
russianbaritone with piano
Crawling the Gray twilight (Тянутся серые сумерки), romance (Mikhail Ippolitov-Ivanov)
Alexander M. Bragin, acc. piano15-06-1908Омокордъ (cyrillic)
B. 8405
(M 50585)
russianbaritone with orchestra
The second Demon’s romance - On the Ocean of the Air (Второй романс Демона - На воздушном океане) (Opera «The Demon») (Anton Rubinshtein, lyrics by Pavel Viskovatov(Viskovaty), based on: Mikhail Lermontov: Poem «The Demon»)
Alexander M. Bragin, acc. orchestra5-06-1922
Homocord I
B. 8405
(M 50586)
russianbaritone with orchestra
Onegin’s aria - Really, is it the same, Tatiana... Alas, there is no doubt (Ария Онегина - Ужель та самая Татьяна...Увы, сомненья нет) (Opera «Eugene Onegin») (Pyotr Tchaikovsky, lyrics by Modest Tchaikovsky, Konstantin Shilovsky, based on: Alexander Pushkin: Novel in verse «Eugene Onegin»)
Alexander M. Bragin, acc. orchestra5-06-1922
Homocord I
Janus-Record (cyrillic)
Tomsky’s Ballad - Once in Versailles (Three cards) (Баллада Томского - Однажды в Версале (Три карты)) (Opera «The Queen of Spades (Pique Dame)», act 1) (Pyotr Tchaikovsky, lyrics by Modest Tchaikovsky, based on: Alexander Pushkin: The story «The Queen of Spades»)
Alexander BraginJanus-Record (cyrillic)186
Tomsky’s song - If Only Darling Maidens (Песенка Томского - Если б милые девицы) (Opera «The Queen of Spades (Pique Dame)», act 3) (Pyotr Tchaikovsky, lyrics by Modest Tchaikovsky, based on: Alexander Pushkin: The story «The Queen of Spades»)
Alexander BraginJanus-Record (cyrillic)186
Muzpred (reissues)
russianduet with orchestra
Duet Angel-Demon - Love God’s world (Дуэт Демона и Ангела - Божий мир полюби) (Opera «The Demon», act 1) (Anton Rubinstein, lyrics by Pavel Viskovatov(Viskovaty), based on: Mikhail Lermontov: Poem «The Demon»)
Elizaveta Petrenko, Alexander Bragin, acc. orchestra11-10-1910
Muzpred (reissues)96504
french, russian
Bath with water thy lips and hands (Вот омоешь губы и руки) (Baigne d’eau mes lèvres et mes mains) (Opera «Thaïs») (Jules Massenet, lyrics by Louis Gallet)
Maria A. Mikhailova, Alexander Davydov28-09-1910
Muzpred NKP (reissues, "Fabrika pamyati 1905 goda", blue)20009
New Imperial Record
Bandit’s Song (Песня бандита) (Opera «The Mountain Prince»)
Alexander BraginNew Imperial Record
russianduet with orchestra
Charming Ladies (Прелестные дамы) (Opera «The Mountain Prince»)
Alexander Bragin, Maria EmskayaNew Imperial Record
russianbaritone with piano
Tomsky’s song - If Only Darling Maidens (Песенка Томского - Если б милые девицы) (Opera «Queen of Spades», act 3) (Pyotr Tchaikovsky, lyrics by Modest Tchaikovsky, based on: Alexander Pushkin: The story «The Queen of Spades»)
Alexander Bragin, acc. pianoSt.-PetersburgPoliaphone-Record (pink)
P.R. 14064
russianbaritone with piano
Tomsky’s Ballad - Once in Versailles (Three cards) (Баллада Томского - Однажды в Версале (Три карты)) (Opera «Queen of Spades», act 1) (Pyotr Tchaikovsky, lyrics by Modest Tchaikovsky, based on: Alexander Pushkin: The story «The Queen of Spades»)
Alexander Bragin, acc. pianoPoliaphone-Record (pink)
P.R. 14065
russianbaritone with piano
Prince Eletzky’s aria - I love you (Ария князя Елецкого - Я вас люблю) (Opera «Queen of Spades», act 2) (Pyotr Tchaikovsky, lyrics by Modest Tchaikovsky, based on: Alexander Pushkin: The story «The Queen of Spades»)
Alexander Bragin, acc. pianoPoliaphone-Record (pink)
Premier Record
Bandit’s Song (Песня бандита) (Opera «The Mountain Prince»)
Alexander BraginПремьеръ-Рекордъ (yellow)
russianduet with orchestra
Charming Ladies (Прелестные дамы) (Opera «The Mountain Prince»)
Alexander Bragin, Maria EmskayaПремьеръ-Рекордъ (yellow)
RAOG=Russian Stockholders Company of Grammophone
russianbaritone with piano
The Ballad of Women (Баллада о женщинах)
Alexander Bragin, acc. pianoRAOG (white)
russianbaritone with piano
She laughed (Она хохотала), ballad (Grigory Lishin, lyrics by Apollon Maykov)
Alexander Bragin, acc. pianoRAOG (white)
russianbaritone with orchestra
Tomsky’s song - If Only Darling Maidens (Песенка Томского - Если б милые девицы) (Opera «Queen of Spades», act 3) (Pyotr Tchaikovsky, lyrics by Modest Tchaikovsky, based on: Alexander Pushkin: The story «The Queen of Spades»)
Alexander M. Bragin, acc. orchestraRAOG (white)
Entry of the King (Выход короля) (Operetta «Roméo et Juliette»)
A.M.Bragin, acc. orchestraRAOG (white)
Balad of the King (Баллада короля) (Operetta «Roméo et Juliette»)
Alexander M. Bragin, acc. orchestraRAOG (white)
russianbaritone with piano
Demon’s arioso - I am he whose voice you heard (Ариозо Демона - Я тот, которому внимала) (Opera «The Demon», act 3) (Anton Grigorjevich Rubinstein, lyrics by Pavel Viskovatov(Viskovaty), based on: Mikhail Lermontov: Poem «The Demon»)
Alexander M. Bragin, acc. pianoRAOG (golden harp)3131
Rebikoff and Co.
The Prisoner (Узник), romance (Alexander Grechaninov, lyrics by Alexander Pushkin)
Alexander M. Bragin1903
Rebikoff and Co. (common)
Tomsky’s Ballad - Once in Versailles (Three cards) (Баллада Томского - Однажды в Версале (Три карты)) (Opera «The Queen of Spades (Pique Dame)», act 1) (Pyotr Tchaikovsky, lyrics by Modest Tchaikovsky, based on: Alexander Pushkin: The story «The Queen of Spades»)
Alexander Bragin1903
Rebikoff and Co. (common)
russianbaritone with piano
The first Demon’s romance - Do not weep, child (Первый романс Демона - Не плачь, дитя) (Opera «The Demon», act 2) (Anton Rubinstein, lyrics by Pavel Viskovatov(Viskovaty), based on: Mikhail Lermontov: Poem «The Demon»)
Alexander Bragin, acc. piano1903
Rebikoff and Co. (common)
russianbaritone with piano
Mad Nights (Ночи безумные), romance (Pyotr Tchaikovsky, lyrics by Alexey Apukhtin)
Alexander Bragin, acc. grand piano1904
St. Petersburg
Rebikoff and Co. (gold medals)
Salon Record
russianbaritone with piano
Tomsky’s Ballad - Once in Versailles (Three cards) (Баллада Томского - Однажды в Версале (Три карты)) (Opera «Queen of Spades», act 1) (Pyotr Tchaikovsky, lyrics by Modest Tchaikovsky, based on: Alexander Pushkin: The story «The Queen of Spades»)
Alexander M. Bragin, acc. pianoSalon Concert Record
russianbaritone with piano
Tomsky’s song - If Only Darling Maidens (Песенка Томского - Если б милые девицы) (Opera «Queen of Spades», act 3) (Pyotr Tchaikovsky, lyrics by Modest Tchaikovsky, based on: Alexander Pushkin: The story «The Queen of Spades»)
Alexander Bragin, acc. pianoSalon Concert Record
Scala Record
russianbaritone with piano
By a sharp pole axe (Острою секирою), romance (Alexander Gretchaninov, lyrics by Alexey Tolstoy)
Alexander M. Bragin, acc. piano1906
Scala Record (orange)
russianbaritone with piano
Song of Vladimir Galitsky (Песня Владимира Галицкого) (Opera «Prince Igor», act 1) (Alexander Borodin, lyrics by Alexander Borodin, Vladimir Stasov, based on: : Poem «The Tale of Igor's Campaign»)
Alexander M. Bragin, acc. piano1906
Scala Record (orange)
Simfonia Record
russianbaritone with orchestra
Come back to Sorrento (Не оставь меня), neapolitan song (Ernesto de Curtis, lyrics by Giambattista de Curtis)
Alexander M. Bragin, acc. orchestra, Conductor Ivan ArkadevSimfonia Record I
russianbaritone with orchestra
Lady in Red Since Then (Женщина в красном с тех пор) (Operetta «Lady in Red») (Robert Winterberg)
Alexander M. Bragin, acc. orchestra, Conductor Ivan ArkadevSimfonia Record I
Stella Record
russianbaritone with piano
Prologue (Пролог - Позвольте войти?) (Opera «Pagliacci») (Ruggero Leoncavallo)
Alexander M. Bragin, acc. pianoStella (cyrillic) (pink with star)
Stella (cyrillic) (pink with "Русскій репертуаръ")
russianbaritone with piano
Onegin’s aria - Really, is it the same, Tatiana... Alas, there is no doubt (Ария Онегина - Ужель та самая Татьяна...Увы, сомненья нет) (Opera «Eugene Onegin», act 3) (Pyotr Tchaikovsky, lyrics by Modest Tchaikovsky, Konstantin Shilovsky, based on: Alexander Pushkin: Novel in verse «Eugene Onegin»)
Alexander Bragin, acc. pianoStella (cyrillic) (pink with star)
Stella Concert (pink with star)
russianbaritone with piano
Christ is risen Op 26 No 6 (Христос воскрес Op 26 No 6), romance (Sergey Rakhmaninov, lyrics by Dmitry Merezhkovsky)
Alexander Bragin, acc. pianoStella (cyrillic) (pink with star)
russianbaritone with piano
The first Demon’s romance - Do not weep, child (Первый романс Демона - Не плачь, дитя) (Opera «The Demon», act 2) (Anton Rubinstein, lyrics by Pavel Viskovatov(Viskovaty), based on: Mikhail Lermontov: Poem «The Demon»)
Alexander Bragin, acc. pianoStella (cyrillic) (pink with star)
Alexander Bragin, acc. piano
Alexander Bragin, acc. pianoStella (cyrillic) (pink with "Русскій репертуаръ")
russianbaritone with piano
Prince Eletzky’s aria - I love you (Ария князя Елецкого - Я вас люблю) (Opera «The Queen of Spades», act 2) (Pyotr Tchaikovsky, lyrics by Modest Tchaikovsky, based on: Alexander Pushkin: The story «The Queen of Spades»)
Alexander Bragin, acc. pianoStella (cyrillic) (pink with star)
russianbaritone with piano
Demon’s arioso - I am he whose voice you heard (Ариозо Демона - Я тот, которому внимала) (Opera «The Demon», act 3) (Antonh Rubinstein, lyrics by Pavel Viskovatov(Viskovaty), based on: Mikhail Lermontov: Poem «The Demon»)
Alexander Bragin, acc. pianoStella (cyrillic) (pink with star)
russianbaritone with piano
Demon’s arioso - I am he whose voice you heard (Ариозо Демона - Я тот, которому внимала) (Opera «The Demon», act 3) (Anton Grigorjevich Rubinstein, lyrics by Pavel Viskovatov(Viskovaty), based on: Mikhail Lermontov: Poem «The Demon»)
Alexander M. Bragin, acc. pianoStella (cyrillic) (pink with "Русскій репертуаръ")
russianbaritone with piano
The second Demon’s romance - On the Ocean of the Air (Второй романс Демона - На воздушном океане) (Opera «The Demon», act 2) (Anton Grigorjevich Rubinstein, lyrics by Pavel Viskovatov(Viskovaty), based on: Mikhail Lermontov: Poem «The Demon»)
Alexander M. Bragin, acc. pianoStella (cyrillic) (pink with star)
Stella (cyrillic) (pink with "Русскій репертуаръ")
russianbaritone with piano
You picked up a flower (Ты сорвала цветок), romance (Yuly Bleichman, lyrics by Daniel Ratgauz)
Alexander Bragin, acc. pianoStella (cyrillic) (pink with star)
Syrena Record
The song of a bandit (Песнь бандита) (Operetta «Der Fürst der Berge») (Lehár)
Alexander М.Bragin01-1911Сирена-Рекордъ
The song of a bandit (Песнь бандита) (Operetta «The Mountain Prince») (Franz Lehár)
Alexander Bragin
Charming Ladies (Прелестные дамы) (Operetta «Der Fürst der Berge») (Lehár)
Alexander М.Bragin, M.A.Emskaya01-1911Сирена-Рекордъ
russianduet with orchestra
Charming Ladies (Прелестные дамы) (Operetta «The Mountain Prince») (Franz Lehár)
Alexander Bragin, Maria Emskaya
On the hills of Manchuria (На сопках Маньчжурии), waltz (Ilya Shatrov)
Alexander Bragin01-1911
Сирена Грандъ Рекордъ (type 1)
russianbaritone with orchestra
The magical sounds sadly fell silent (Грустно умолкли волшебные звуки), romance (Rick U., lyrics by Dyadya Vanya)
Alexander M. BraginСирена Грандъ Рекордъ (type 2, with photo)
russianbaritone with orchestra
I met a womenвстретил меж женщин такую) (Operetta «Purchased wife»)
Alexander M. BraginСирена Грандъ Рекордъ (type 2, with photo)
russianbaritone with orchestra
Good-Bye (Гудбай) (Operetta «Purchased wife»)
Alexander M. BraginСирена Грандъ Рекордъ (type 2, with photo)
russian, englishbaritone with orchestra
The sinking of the Titanic (Гибель Титаника), anthem
Alexander M. BraginСирена Грандъ Рекордъ (type 2, with photo)
The Russian Gramophone Co. Ltd.
russianбаритон с оркестром
Entry of the King (Выход короля) (Operetta «Roméo et Juliette»)
A.M.Bragin, acc. orchestraRussian Gramophone Co. Ltd.(II)
russianбаритон с оркестром
Balad of the King (Баллада короля) (Operetta «Roméo et Juliette»)
Alexander M. Bragin, acc. orchestraRussian Gramophone Co. Ltd.(II)
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